Tuesday 12 May 2015

AMBONI CAVE: The popular tourism site in Tanga City

The Amboni Caves are the most extensive limestone caves in East Africa. They are located 8 km north of Tanga City in Tanzania off the Tanga-Mombasa road. The caves were formed about 150 million years ago during the Jurassic age. It covers an area of 234 km². According to researchers the area was under water some 20 million years ago. There are altogether ten caves but only one is used for guided tours. 
It is not known when the caves were exactly discovered but reports indicate that ethnic groups such as the Segeju, Sambaa, Bondei and Digo who lived near the caves used it for prayers.

The cave attracts tourist as well as students for their geography lessons. The attractions include:
  • Popo flight - (Popo means bat in Swahili Many of them live in the caves. Every evening at sunset they fly out of the cave entrance.
  • Rocks in the shape of:
    • sofa
    • a ship
    • a crocodile
    • an elephant
    • map of Africa
    • Statue of Liberty
    • head of a male lion
    • Interior

Monday 11 May 2015

Lake Manyara The lion's tree climbing National Park.

Lake Manyara National Park  is a Tanzanian national park located both in Arusha Region and Manyara Region, Tanzania. The two administrative regions have no jurisdiction over the parks. The park is governed by the Tanzania National Parks Authority. The majority of the land area of the park is a narrow strip running between the Gregory Rift wall to the west and Lake Manyara, an alkaline or soda-lake, to the east.
The park consists of 330 km2 of arid land, forest, and a soda-lake which covers as much as 200 km2  of land during the wet season but is nearly nonexistent during the dry season  Lake Manyara National Park is known for the flamingos that inhabit the lake. During the wet season they inhabit the edges of the lake in flocks of thousands but they are not so present during the dry season.
  More than 400 species of birds inhabit the park and many remain throughout the year. Because of this Lake Manyara National Park is a good spot for bird watching. Visitors to the park can expect to see upwards of 100 different species of bird on any day.
Leopards, lions, cheetahs, elephants, blue monkeys, dik-dik, gazelle, hippo, giraffe, impala, and more inhabit the park and many can be seen throughout the year. There is a hippo pond at one end of the park where visitors can get out of their cars and observe from a safe distance. The leopards and lions are both known to lounge in the trees while not hunting for prey

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Tarangire National Park : The Content of Beauty

Tarangire National Park is the sixth largest national park in Tanzania after Ruaha, Serengeti, Mikumi, Katavi and Mkomazi. The national park is located in Manyara Region. The name of the park originates from the Tarangire river that crosses through the park, being the only source of water for wild animals during dry seasons. During the dry season thousands of animals migrate to the Tarangire National Park from Manyara National Park.
It lies a little distance to the south east of Lake Manyara and covers an area of approximately 2,850 square kilometers(1,100 square miles.) The landscape and vegetation is incredibly diverse with a mix that is not found anywhere else in the northern safari circuit. The hilly landscape is dotted with vast numbers of Baobab trees, dense bush and high grasses
      The park is famous for its huge number of elephants, baobab trees and tree climbing lions. Visitors to the park can expect to see any number of resident zebra and wildebeest in addition to the less common animals. Other common animals include waterbuck, giraffe, and olive baboons.
Home to more than 550 species, the park is a refuge for bird enthusiasts who can expect so see dozens of species even in the dry season. The swamps are the focus of the largest selection of breeding birds anywhere in the world. Yellow-collared Lovebirds are a common bird sighting in the trees along the Tarangire River.
The park is also famous for the termite mounds that dot the landscape. Those that have been abandoned are often seen to be home to dwarf mongoose

What to do
Guided walking safaris.
Day trips to Maasai and Barabaig villages, as well as to the hundreds of ancient rock paintings in the vicinity of Kolo on the Dodoma Road.

Sunday 3 May 2015

The Kitulo Plateau National Park- The Garden of God in Tanzania

     Locals refer to the Kitulo Plateau as Bustani ya Mungu - The Garden of God – while botanists have dubbed it the Serengeti of Flowers, host to ‘one of the great floral spectacles of the world’. And Kitulo is indeed a rare botanical marvel, home to a full 350 species of vascular plants, including 45 varieties of terrestrial orchid, which erupt into a riotous wildflower display of breathtaking scale and diversity during the main rainy season of late November to April.
Perched at around 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) between the rugged peaks of the Kipengere, Poroto and Livingstone Mountains, the well-watered volcanic soils of Kitulo support the largest and most important montane grassland community in Tanzania.
    One of the most important watersheds for the Great Ruaha River, Kitulo is well known for its floral significance – not only a multitude of orchids, but also the stunning yellow-orange red-hot poker and a variety of aloes, proteas, geraniums, giant lobelias, lilies and aster daisies, of which more than 30 species are endemic to southern Tanzania. 

Big game is sparsely represented, though a few hardy mountain reedbuck and eland still roam the open grassland.
      But  Kitulo – a botanist and hiker’s paradise - is also highly alluring to birdwatchers. Tanzania’s only population of the rare Denham’s bustard is resident, alongside a breeding colony of the endangered blue swallow and such range-restricted species as mountain marsh widow, Njombe cisticola and Kipengere seed eater. Endemic species of butterfly, chameleon, lizard and frog further enhance the biological wealth of God’s Garden.

Monday 27 April 2015

Gombe National Park the home of Chimpanzees

Gombe Stream National Park is located in western Kigoma Region, Tanzania, 10 miles (20 km) north of Kigoma, the capital of Kigoma Region. Established in 1968, Gombe is the smallest national park in Tanzania, with only 20 square miles (52 km2) of forest running along the hills of the eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika.The terrain is distinguished by steep valleys, and the forest vegetation ranges from grassland to alpine bamboo to tropical rainforest.Accessible only by boat, the park is most famous as the location where Jane Goodall pioneered her behavioral research conducted on the chimpanzee populations.

     Gombe Stream’s high levels of diversity make it an increasingly popular tourist destination. Besides chimpanzees, primates inhabiting Gombe Stream include beachcomber olive baboons, red-tailed monkeys and vervet Monkeys.The Park is also home to over 200 bird species and bushpigs.]There are also 11 species of snakes, and occasional hippopotamus and leopards. Visitors to the park can trek into the forest to view the chimpanzees, as well as swim and snorkel in Lake Tanganyika with almost 100 kinds of colorful cichlid fish

Gombe stream

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Welcome at Kilimanjaro National Park

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Sunday 19 April 2015

Mlima Kilimanjaro ni mlima mrefu kuliko yote Afrika.

Hifadhi ya Mlima Kilimanjaro ni maarufu duniani kutokana na mandhari nzuri ya Mlima Kilimanjaro ambao ni mlima mrefu kuliko yote Afrika na inapatikana katika nchi ya Tanzania . Hifadhi hii ina ukubwa wa kilometa za mraba 755 na iko umbali wa kilometa 45 kutoka Moshi mjini.Kilele cha Kibo  chenye urefu wa mita 5895 (futi 19340) ndio kivutio kikubwa kwa wageni kutoka ndani na nje ya nchi kutokana na kufunikwa na theluji. Safari ya kupanda mlima huu humpitisha mpandaji katika kanda za hali ya hewa tofauti kuanzia ile ya nchi za tropiti hadi arktiki.
Mlima huu ni moja kati ya milima ambayo kilele chake hufikiwa kwa urahisi na hivyo kuwa kivutio kikubwa kwa wapanda milima kutoka kila pande za dunia.
Zaidi ya watalii 20,000 hupanda mlima huu kila mwaka wakiwemo wageni kutoka nje ya nchi na Watanzania. Mpandaji wa mlima huu huhitaji angalau siku tano, siku tatu kupanda na siku mbili kuteremka.
Kuna njia sita ya kupanda mlima Kilimanjaro hadi kileleni.
  • Njia iliyo rahisi na maarufu zaidi ni ile ya kuanzia lango la Marangu, ambako ndiyo makao makuu ya hifadhi.
Wanyama kadhaa hupatikana katika msitu unaozunguka Mlima Kilimanjaro wakiwemo mbega, nyani, nyati, chui, tembo, swala na ndege.

 Wakati mzuri wa kutembelea hifadhi
Kuanzia mwezi Desemba hadi februari, na pia mwezi Julai na Septemba (ingawa wakati huu ni baridi zaidi)