Wednesday 8 April 2015


Baobab tree
  The baobab tree is known as the tree of life, with good reason. It can provide shelter, clothing, food, and water for the animal and human inhabitants of the African savannah regions. The cork-like bark and huge stem are fire resistant and are used for making cloth and rope. The leaves are used as condiments and medicines. The fruit, called "monkey bread", is edible, and full of vitamin C.
  The fruit has a velvety shell and is about the size of a coconut, weighing about 1.44 kilograms. It has a somewhat acidic flavor, described as 'somewhere between grapefruit, pear, and vanilla

The tree can store hundreds of liters of water, which is an adaptation to the harsh drought conditions of its environment. The tree may be tapped in dry periods. Mature trees are usually hollow, providing living space for many animals and humans. Trees are even used as bars, barns, wine and beer shops and more

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