Thursday 24 April 2014

Tanga city has a very high potential for Tourism

      Tanga city has a very high potential for tourism because of the natural and cultural attraction within and in neighboring districts. While some investment has been made, much more is needed to build high quality hotel and develop other operation.
The potential to attraction more visitors holidaying in other parts of Tanzania, especially Zanzibar and in neighboring coastal of Kenya is considerable .Skilled marketing could make existing tourists attraction more nationally of  and  Internationally known.
      The attractions within the city include Toten Island, Amboni caves, Tanga war graves and memorials. Amboni and Galanos sulphur hot spring ,Tongoni ruins, Ndumi village defense works .Mworongo sand beaches and protected coastal mangroves .The city council recognize their scenic spiritual, cultural, historical and biological values and is committed to their protection and conservation. Investment and development in tourism therefore need to be environmentally friendly and supportive of conservation.
           The integration of tourism attraction within Tanga City with those of other areas in country 
Zanzibar and coastal Kenya into a single circuit  will contribute to the growth  of the sector , help diversity the economic base increase employment, stimulate  both arts and craft and promote a non consumptive use of the natural heritage in the region.
 Tanga city has beautiful beaches along which are good sites for swimming, diving and sun bathing .The mworongo beaches offer an especially attractive areas for tourism investments.

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